Created by Anton Katunin / @antulik
Movie recomendation website
Feb 2011
What if ...
What if ...
just keep it simple
Step 1. Find your top Twins
REPLACE INTO `user_twins` (`user_id`, `twin_id`, `avg_difference`, `percent`, `movies_matched`, `level`, `updated_at`) (select user_id,twin_id, avg_difference, percent, movies_matched, if(percent > 92.5, 1, if(percent > 90, 2, if(percent > 87.5, 3, if(percent > 85, 4, if(percent > 82.5, 5, if(percent > 80, 6, if(percent > 77.5, 7, if(percent > 75, 8, 9)))))))), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from (select sr.user_id as user_id, sr.twin_id as twin_id, Sum(single_points) as avg_difference, (10-(Sum(single_points)/count(*)))*10 as percent, count(*) as movies_matched from (select mr1.user_id as user_id, mr2.user_id as twin_id, ABS(mr1.rating-mr2.rating) as single_points from user_votes as mr1 join user_votes as mr2 on mr1.movie_id = mr2.movie_id and mr1.user_id <> mr2.user_id where mr1.user_id = %d) as sr group by sr.user_id, sr.twin_id having count(*) >= %d) as t2 );
Step 2. Calculate personalized movie ratings
select ...
Power(10-level, ln(count(*))/ln(2.5)) * count(*) * avg(rating) as rating_points_sum,
Power(10-level, ln(count(*))/ln(2.5)) * count(*) as vote_points_sum,
ln(count(*))/ln(2.5) as power,
Where do you get your movie catalogue?
How do you test your recommendations
when you have 0 users?
Another Social network?
get data from other websites
web crawler days
at least they fixed their security issues...
... you are welcome!
or hosting from home
divide and conquer
business + design + development
founders vs contributors
It works!
Not sure if we ever launched
Push or drop?
Push or drop?
multi-threaded chat system
Sep 2011
HackerNews nested comments
context in a converstion
or 'what do you mean'
think of bug reports
What if ...
hierarchical data
very very deep hierarchical data
start with the end in mind
html map, topic list, linear chat view
styles, linear chat with rotation
map in ocanvas
map is draggable, chat space view
different layout with bigger chat view, focused message
trying another layout
and another, direction of chat is the same as on the map
switched to panels, map is expandable
straight layout + transparency
collapsable messages
collapsable messages with limit and size
moved away from draggable map to automatic map layout
moved away from panels, added bootstrap css, map is not expandable
consistent color scheme, topic headers, issues with ui overlap, topic name at the corner
unread messages, collapsable limit set to one
trying sunburst map layout in d3.js
added map view with icicle graph
icicle graph styles
removed inline map, sorted topic list, experimenting with floating messages
rebranded to TopicRay, added focused line, hacker news integration
topic list is transparent
icicle with unread messages
attempt to improve icicle
inline sunburst graph
animation for sunburst
tree depth indicator, inline message radar
new conversation tree view
jQuery.animate is very slow
Firefox -> Chrome
It's time to launch!!
and ...
Push or drop?
Push or drop?
What if ...
we had a tool which could
give us insights into information importance
tool which would
structure and prioritise information
get inspired
started with google calendar
moved to force graph
group into lines
add twitter
focus on twitter, calendar list
focus on twitter, zoom
navigation slider
prettify, add top previews
add avatars
add inline link preview
remove link preview
x axis is minutes
twisted layout 1/2 (DNA?)
twisted layout 2/2
bended lines
problems with size
zoom 1/5
zoom 2/5
zoom 3/5
zoom 4/5
zoom 5/5
added mouse scroll
reddit and multi-calendar colors
make everything smaller
grouped per lines, less chaos
another twist layout attemp
lines with small overlap
top 10 reddit streams for 12 hours
screencast v2
calendars hidden, add links preview
HackerNews integration
repositioned ui, mark as read, 4 previews
smarter selection
add tutorial, joyride.js
common reaction
narrowing down
data visualisation tool
historic news browser
on HackerNews
+ facebook, twitter, gplus
attempt #2
at BrisJelly
in 24 hours
StoryLine on StoryLine
Push or drop?
9-11th August