The Manager's Handbook

by Alex MacCaw

Posted by Anton Katunin on 8 October 2021
Tags: books, 5 stars

I love this book because it's not written to be sold, but rather intended as a capture of the best experience. Until recently it was only available online.

The book truly stands for its title. It's a handbook. It's well structured, comprehensive and very dense. I expect to revisit it very often.

I'd like to recommend this book to everybody, including non-managers. The book is free which simplifies the distribution.

Managers can use it as a handbook. Others will benefit from a better understanding of their manager and improve at their job, as the discussed topics are relevant to all job titles. In fact, everybody will be better off if we upskill on topics of personal productivity, working as a team, goals, information sharing, conflict resolution, and consciousness.

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