Warrior, Magician, Lover, King A Guide To The Male Archetypes Updated For The 21 st Century

by Rod Boothroyd

Posted by Anton Katunin on 21 March 2024
Tags: books, 4 stars

I read this book after the original King, Warrior, Magician, Lover book by Moore last year. I didn't like the original and didn't quite get this one. Since I didn't get it, I couldn't write a book review on my blog. It was sitting on my to-do list to review until Rob Boothroyd, its author, reached out and suggested that I read it. As a nice gesture I thought it would be nice to reread the book and review it properly. One year later I finally did it.

I like this book, and 4 archetypes finally grew on me. I find it a very simple but effective model, which works well in explaining the complexities of adulthood. Unlike the original the book is written in simple english. It has a good balance between theory and practical steps. It's shocking how some of the people's descriptions in the book were extremely accurate to people I know in real life.

The book is well structured, but I felt it's lacking the flow or coherence. That's probably why I found it hard to swallow the first time.

I'd recommend this book to all guys and you can save yourself some time and skip the original by Moore.

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