Quickly open files in iTerm with RubyMine on MacOS

Posted by Anton Katunin on 6 March 2013
Tags: code, terminal, iterm, rubymine, open path, quick open

You can use RubyMine for editing but still run tests in terminal. With this tip you can click path in terminal and open that file in RubyMine.

Open iTerm preferences -> Profiles -> Advanced -> Semantic History

Select Run command and paste

/Applications/RubyMine.app/Contents/MacOS/rubymine \5 --line \2 \1

So now when you see some paths in your terminal use Cmd+Left click to open it in RubyMine.

rspec ./spec/models/profile_spec.rb:37
rspec ./spec/models/channel_spec.rb:13
rspec ./spec/models/stat_spec.rb:78

Happy coding!


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