7 Steps to Stable Self-Esteem

by Boris Litvak

Posted by Anton Katunin on 29 December 2024
Tags: books, 5 stars

What a great book. Unfortunately for you English readers, it's written in Russian. The book argues that self evaluation is the motivation driver in decision making. I never thought about it but I found it very fundamental.

The main point is people don't feel complete as humans due to conditioning in upbringing. They have been conditioned to feel good about themselves only when certain conditions are met.

Such dependency on external factors leads to unstable self-esteem. It fluctuates between positive when we are motivated and happy, and negative when we are feeling depressed. Often people are looking for ways to increase it. That's why there are many motivational speakers. Repeating mantras or talking to a mirror to boost your confidence. It works, but only temporarily.

The key is to detach your self-worth from external factors. You no longer feel bad when a girl you like doesn't reply because you don't doubt yourself as a person. You are no longer scared to be wrong in public, because you are not afraid that people might see you as weak or dumb.

It sounds complicated, but the book gives a practical step by step guide.

Interesting that I developed my own model over the years about how exceptional performers are handicapped by their success at work. That model turned out to be identical to one of the types in the book.

In short, it's a must read book.

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